- Periode 22/06/2020 - 22/09/2020
- New Customer dari Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam dan Indonesia
- Klik Di Sini
- Register dengan email
- Unduh APK dari Android APK bukan Playstore
- Install APK
- Untuk merubah jadi bahasa English , Klik gambar profil, klik lingkaran di atas ( urutan ke 4 di atas kata FOLLOWME )
- Klik New Trading Akun ( klik kvb )
- Register di KVBPrime
- Cari refferal 5 orang yang sudah buka terdaftar di followme dan terverifikasi di KVBPrime untuk dapat $90
- Selesaikan 2 lot untuk WD
Note :
Jika kesulitan ambil link fallowme karena apk tertutup sendiri di rubah bahasa kembali ke bahasa china dankembalikan lagi ke bahasa Inggris
Register Followme»
FOLLOWSTAR Promotion detail
Claim the Bonus
By following the FOLLOWSTAR system and invite five or more new clients to open a live account to receive the 90 USD bonus.
1. Once completing the challenge, the bonus will transfer to your KVB PRIME live account as credit;
2. The bonus can be used on trading. You may withdraw the bonus after trading 2 lots or more with the bonus. If you do not execute the required amount of trade after the promotion, the bonus will be removed from your account.
Each individual may only receive the bonus from one of their accounts. User with the same Email address, phone number, identity info (ID, Passport), device will be defined as the same client. KVB PRIME reserves the right to cancel the bonus if the individual violates the rule(s) of the promotion. by:
1. New user neither download nor log in FOLLOWME APP.
2. Operating 10 or more trading account in the same IP or same device.
3. Provide fake documents.
4. Negatively hedging with the bonus.
5. Participate in the promotion with inappropriate method(s).
6. Act in a way that violates the fairness and the transparency of the promotion.
This promotion is operated under the conditions set by the Organisers. In the event of any disputes, the Organisers reserve the right of the final decision. This promotion is organised by FOLLOWME and KVB PRIME. For any query, please email to support@followme.com or service@kvbprime.com